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Do Crew Hours


Work for AA, Envoy or the Credit Union, here is a quick how to on logging your Do Crew hours.

How to Log Your Do Crew Hours...

There is another great way that AA, Envoy and AAFCU employees can make their volunteer hours go even further for our military veterans and their families.


Do Crew is American’s cadre of employee and retiree volunteers. Their service to the community is the cornerstone of the airline's community programs. The volunteers participate in community-based projects benefiting a variety of nonprofit organizations.


If you are an AA employee or retiree, please register your Sky Ball and other volunteer hours on the Do Crew site.  Do Crew guidelines allow employees to combine volunteer hours from multiple organizations to reach the hours needed for a Flights for 50 reward. When you reach a total of 50 volunteer hours, whether you log individual volunteer time or participate in a Do Crew activity, you’re eligible to earn a 25,000 mile reward (which is the equivalent of a book ahead/plan ahead round trip ticket) to give to the non-profit 501(c)(3) of your choice. Each Do Crew member is eligible to earn 2 rewards per calendar year.  Learn more on Jetnet.


Here is how it works

1. Log into Jet net

2. Click Get Involved

3. Chose Log Your Hours

4. My hours - the number of hours you volunteered

5. Event Name -Sky Ball

6. Participation Date - enter the date you completed the hours

7. State - Texas

8. City - Irving

9. Postal Code - 76053

10. Organization -Click on the button for search and type in "Fort Worth Airpower Foundation"

11. Are these individual hours or part of an EBRG? - Chose individual

12. Click Done


If you sign up for a project listed on the Do Crew page and you reach 50 hours, you will earn a reward which can be given to a charity of your choice as long as it qualifies as a 501(c)(3).


You may combine your hours with independent volunteer work you are doing.  Retirees can only redeem awards when participating in group projects via the Do Crew page.


You can earn up to two (2) rewards per calendar year. Be sure to read through the guidelines on Jetnet for eligibility and to see how your volunteer time will be calculated and validated.


If you have reached your 50 or 100 volunteer hours and are ready to request a Flights for 50 award, select the appropriate link on the Do Crew Resource box based on the hours you have accumulated.  Please consider dedicating your volunteer efforts toward Sky Ball. And, if you choose to donate your flight reward to Sky Ball, please notify us at so we can make sure it gets redeemed.


If you don't understand how to log your hours or redeem your reward, please contact us and we will help you!

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